Gazing 7th August 2013
This web page contains a selection of interesting sites, software and
books for the casual observer to accompany the occasional stargazing talks
held at Rountons Village Hall.
Most of the software is free although the
recommended books are not.
Free star charting software
This software plots a map of the night sky and will help you to identify
the stars and planets.
If you want to take it further then these books provide some background
to observing and recommend objects to look at.
Things to look at
There are plenty of things to look at in the night sky which varies
with the time of year. Faint objects look best when there is no moon.
These links provide a selection of the more interesting things to look
at either with the naked eye, binoculars or a small telescope.
One quick safety warning you should never look at the sun through a
telescope or binoculars (risk of permanent eye damage).
Near Earth Observations
Solar System
Deep Space Galaxies, Nebulae & Star Clusters